7.1.3 FFD Project Configuration

Modify the following files to develop the Push Pull Star application.

Files to be modified to create demoapp_ffd project :
  1. app.h
  2. demo_app_ffd.h
  3. app.c
  4. demo_app_ffd.c
  5. demo_app_security.c
  6. usr_mac_callbacks.c
Note: In addition to this , pin settings and configuration settings for External Interrupt Controller (EIC) must be done to configure User button as an interrupt to queue data on the Co-ordinator.

The macros that are listed in the above files can be customized to modify the behavior of the application. For instance, the macros found in demo_app_ffd.h can be altered to modify the PAN ID and Short Address of the Co-ordinator.

Figure 7-27. demo_app_ffd.h