5.3 Multiprotocol Device Firmware Upgrade Over BLE Link

The multiprotocol device firmware can be upgraded through Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) link. The BLE OTA profile, service and the exchange between BLE OTAU Target device and OTAU Manager (Mobile app) are same as BLE only device.

Zigbee light with BLE application is the sample project which implements OTA over BLE link. The current image "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\precompiled_hex\ble_zigbee_light_prov.X.production.signed.unified_1.0.0.0.hex" with OTA capability and new upgrdable .bin (ble_zigbee_light_prov_1.0.0.1_ota.bin) is also available in "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\precompiled_hex" for the reference.

Follow the steps as explained in Device Firmware Upgrade Over BLE for upgrading the multiprotocol device using BLE link.