User Application Development

  • Build Project, upon building project user action is required as mentioned 14.1 User Action.
  • definitions.h in all the files where UART will be used to print debug information.
    Note: definitions.h is not specific to just UART peripheral, instead it must be included in all application source files where peripheral functionality will be exercised.
  • Edit device unique ID (zigbeeAppDeviceSelect.h).

    All the Zigbee devices/modules will hold their unique IEEE address purchased from IEEE. For the demo purpose, where UID is not present in internal NVM, the pre-compiled fixed UID to be used. Edit the CS_UID to user defined value and not matching with combined interface UID (default 0xbee) as below in zigbeeAppDeviceSelect.h.

  • Optional files: app_button_handler.c and app_button_handler.h are located in <Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\zigbee\combinedInterface\firmware\src folder. These files enable proper button functionality. Users can add these files to their project or utilize them to create other functionalities.