3.4.3 Controller Area Network (CAN) Interface

Two MCP2542 transceivers are placed on the SAM9X60-Curiosity.

The MCP2542 is a high-speed CAN transceiver that provides the interface between the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire bus. For more information about the MCP2542, refer to the product web page.

Figure 3-16. Dual CAN Interface
Table 3-10. CAN Signal Descriptions
PIO Signal Name Signal Description
PC9 CAN0_STBY_PC9 CAN standby port 0
PA10 CAN0_TX_PA10 CAN transmit port 0
PA9 CAN0_RX_PA9 CAN receive port 0
PB17 CAN1_STBY_PB17 CAN standby port 1
PA5 CAN1_TX_PA5 CAN transmit port 1
PA6 CAN1_RX_PA6 CAN receive port 1

CAN0 function and Debug UART (RX) are shared and selectable through the J14 connector.

CAN0 function and Debug UART (TX) are shared and selectable through the J15 connector.

Table 3-11. CAN Connector J7 Signal Description
Pin No Signal Name Signal Description
1 CAN0_H Differential positive port 0
2 CAN0_L Differential negative port 0
3 GND Common ground
4 CAN1_H Differential positive port 1
5 CAN1_L Differential negative port 1
Attention: CAN connector (J7) is not assembled in the board.