1 Harmony 3 Aerospace Applications for SAM RH707 Family

MPLAB® Harmony 3 is an extension of the MPLAB® ecosystem for creating embedded firmware solutions for Microchip 32-bit SAM and PIC microcontroller and microprocessor devices. Refer to the following links for more information.

This repository contains the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Aerospace Application examples for SAM RH707 Family. It provides usage example of the IP1553, SpaceWire, ICM and ECC peripherals in the SAMRH707.

Code Examples

The following applications are provided to demonstrate the typical or interesting usage models of one or more peripheral libraries.

icm_with_ecc_error_injectionICM with ECC errors injections
ip1553_bc_operation_blockingIP1553 Bus Controller operation blocking
ip1553_bc_operation_interruptIP1553 Bus Controller operation interrupt
ip1553_rt_operation_blockingIP1553 Remote Terminal operation blocking
ip1553_rt_operation_interruptIP1553 Remote Terminal operation interrupt
spw_loopbackSpaceWire Loopback
spw_rmap_loopbackSpaceWire RMAP Loopback
spw_escChar_tch_loopbackSpaceWire Escape Character and Time Code Handler Loopback