6.4 SAMA7G54 SOM Land Pattern (Host Board PCB Footprint)

Figure 6-4. SAMA7G54 SOM Land Pattern Drawing
Table 6-4. SAMA7G54 SOM Land Pattern Dimensions (in mm)
Symbol Parameter Common Dimensions
Min Typ Max
W Land pattern pad width 0.450
L Land pattern pad length 1.200
S1 Land pattern pad X space 36.200
S2 Land pattern pad Y space 28.200
k Land pattern pad gap 0.200
C Corner Pads Position -- 0.700 --
X1 -- 1.350 1.400
Y1 -- 1.575 1.625
Note: Under the SOM, GND and Power planes should be placed on the top layer of the carrier board with evenly-distributed vias.