Library Interface

TCPIP_IPERF_RX_BUFFER_SIZEDefault size of the Iperf RX buffer The default value is 4KB. The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput. Bigger buffers will help obtain higher performance numbers
TCPIP_IPERF_TX_BUFFER_SIZEDefault size of the Iperf TX buffer The default value is 4KB. The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput. Bigger buffers will help obtain higher performance numbers
TCPIP_IPERF_TX_QUEUE_LIMITfor Iperf UDP client, the limit to set to avoid memory allocation overflow on slow connections
TCPIP_IPERF_TX_WAIT_TMOtimeout to wait for TX channel to be ready to transmit a new packet; ms depends on the channel bandwidth
TCPIP_IPERF_MAX_INSTANCESmaximum number of simultaneously running iperf instances
TCPIP_IPERF_TIMING_ERROR_MARGINiperf timing error, ms. Accounts for timing uncertainty The higher the value, the more relaxed is the iperf timing Lower limit is 0
TCPIP_IPERF_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.