Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client (SMTPC) Configurations

SMTPC Specific User Configurations

  • Number of Mail Connections to be Created:

    • Number of mail connections (sockets) to be created

    • Each mail message requires a mail connection

    • Adjust based on the number of simultaneous mail messages in transit

    • Default value: 3


  • SMTPC Socket TX Buffer Size:

    • Define the size of the TX buffer for the SMTPC socket

    • Use 0 for default TCP socket value

    • The SMTPC TX does not need high throughput so the default value is usually fine.

    • For transferring large files increase this value as needed.

    • Default value: 0


  • SMTPC Socket RX Buffer Size:

    • Define the size of the RX buffer for the SMTPC socket

    • Use 0 for default TCP socket value

    • The SMTPC RX does not need high throughput so the default value is usually fine.

    • Default value: 0


  • Number of Retries for Sending a Mail Message:

    • How many times to retry sending a mail message

    • Retries occur only for server reported transient errors or for internal temporary errors (DNS, socket errors, etc.)

    • Default value: 3


  • SMTPC Client Mail Date String:

    • Default string that identifies the SMTPC client mail date

    • Currently there is no date/time service available

    • The mail server will update with the current date

    • Keep the current data/time format that is accepted by the SMTP servers

    • Default value: "Wed, 20 July 2016 14:55:06 -0600"


  • Enable Console Commands:

    • Enable the SMTPC TCP/IP Console Commands

    • Use the sample tcpip console "mail" command for sending email from the console

    • Default value: false


  • SMTPC Task Rate (in msec):

    • SMTPC task processing rate, in milliseconds.

    • The SMTPC module will process a timer event with this rate for maintaining its own queues, processing timeouts, etc.

    • The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained

    • The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.

    • Value is in milliseconds

    • Default value: 55


  • General Server Response Timeout (in sec):

    • General server response timeout, seconds

    • Should be adjusted according to the server responsivity

    • RFC specifies it as 5 min

    • Default is 1 minute, which should normally be enough

    • Value is in seconds

    • Default value: 60


  • Timeout for Server Acknowledgment of Mail Data (in sec):

    • Server acknowledgment of the mail data: body, attachments et all

    • Should be adjusted according to the server responsivity

    • RFC specifies it as 10 min

    • Default is 1 minute, which should normally be enough

    • Value is in seconds

    • Default value: 60


  • Timeout for the TLS Handshake to Complete (in sec):

    • The timeout for the TLS handshake to complete

    • When a secure connection is established to the mail server

    • Adjust based on the processing speed, key size, etc.

    • Value is in seconds

    • Default value: 10


  • Server Transient Error Retry Interval (in sec):

    • The retry interval because of a server transient error

    • RFC specifies it should be at least 30 min!

    • Value is in seconds

    • Default value: 600


  • SMTPC Temporary Error Retry Interval (in sec):

    • The retry interval because of a SMTPC temporary error

    • These include temporary errors related to: DNS, socket connection, TLS.

    • Value is in seconds

    • Default value: 10


  • Server Reply Processing RX Buffer Size:

    • Size of the RX buffer for processing the server replies

    • Usually the server replies are not very long

    • Note that some serverz expect a window > 1400 bytes

    • Default value: 2048


  • SMTP Client Authentication Buffer Size:

    • Size of a buffer that can hold the 2* username and password

    • Note: this buffer is automatic, created on the stack

    • Check your project stack settings if you need a large buffer here!

    • If buffer not long enough this could generate TCPIP_SMTPC_RES_MESSAGE_AUTH_LEN_ERROR.

    • Default value: 100


  • Email Address Buffer Size:

    • Size of a buffer that can hold an email address: user@domain.smth

    • Note: this buffer is automatic, created on the stack

    • Check your project stack settings if you need a large buffer here!

    • If buffer not long enough this could generate TCPIP_SMTPC_RES_MESSAGE_ADDR_LEN_ERROR.

    • Default value: 80


  • Plain Email Text Line Buffer Size:

    • Size of an email line when sending the email body as plain text

    • SMTP lines are recommended to be 78 chars long and MUST not exceed 998 characters!

    • This implementation limits the line size to TCPIP_SMTPC_PLAIN_LINE_BUFF_SIZE (usually 256 or 512).

    • So any mail line longer that this size will have inserted an artificial end of line sequence (CRLF) after this many characters.

    • Note: this buffer is automatic, created on the stack

    • Check your project stack settings if you need a large buffer here!

    • Note: Lines are sent out as a whole so the line cannot be longer than the TCP socket TX buffer!

    • SMTPC will ensure that this symbol does not exceed the size of the socket TX buffer by allocating

    • a larger TX buffer, if needed

    • Default value: 256