21.3.5 Interrupts

Table 21-3. Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources in Normal Mode
Offset Name Vector Description Conditions
0x00 OVF Overflow and compare match interrupt The counter has reached its top value and wrapped to zero.
0x04 CMP0 Compare channel 0 interrupt Match between the counter value and the Compare 0 register.
0x06 CMP1 Compare channel 1 interrupt Match between the counter value and the Compare 1 register.
0x08 CMP2 Compare channel 2 interrupt Match between the counter value and the Compare 2 register.
Table 21-4. Available Interrupt Vectors and Sources in Split Mode
Offset Name Vector Description Conditions
0x00 LUNF Low byte underflow interrupt Low byte timer reaches BOTTOM.
0x02 HUNF High byte underflow interrupt High byte timer reaches BOTTOM.
0x04 LCMP0 Compare channel 0 interrupt Match between the counter value and the low byte of Compare 0 register.
0x06 LCMP1 Compare channel 1 interrupt Match between the counter value and the low byte of Compare 1 register.
0x08 LCMP2 Compare channel 2 interrupt Match between the counter value and the low byte of the Compare 2 register.

When an interrupt condition occurs, the corresponding interrupt flag is set in the Interrupt Flags register of the peripheral (peripheral.INTFLAGS).

An interrupt source is enabled or disabled by writing to the corresponding enable bit in the peripheral's Interrupt Control register (peripheral.INTCTRL).

An interrupt request is generated when the corresponding interrupt source is enabled and the interrupt flag is set. The interrupt request remains active until the interrupt flag is cleared. See the peripheral's INTFLAGS register for details on how to clear interrupt flags.