Pin Configuration
The Pin n Configuration register (PORT.PINnCTRL) is used to configure inverted I/O, pullup, and input sensing of a pin.
All input and output on the respective pin n can be inverted by writing a '1' to the Inverted I/O Enable bit (INVEN) in PORT.PINnCTRL.
Toggling the INVEN bit causes an edge on the pin, which can be detected by all peripherals using this pin, and is seen by interrupts or events if enabled.
Pullup of pin n is enabled by writing a '1' to the Pullup Enable bit (PULLUPEN) in PORT.PINnCTRL.
Changes of the signal on a pin can trigger an interrupt. The exact conditions are defined by writing to the Input/Sense bit field (ISC) in PORT.PINnCTRL.
- If an INVEN bit is toggled in the same cycle as the interrupt setting, the edge caused by the inversion toggling may not cause an interrupt request.
- If an input is disabled while synchronizing an interrupt, that interrupt may be requested on re-enabling the input, even if it is re-enabled with a different interrupt setting.
- If the interrupt setting is changed while synchronizing an interrupt, that interrupt may not be accepted.
- Only a few pins support full
asynchronous interrupt detection, see I/O Multiplexing and Considerations. These
limitations apply for waking the system from sleep:
Interrupt Type Fully Asynchronous Pins Other Pins BOTHEDGES Will wake system Will wake system RISING Will wake system Will not wake system FALLING Will wake system Will not wake system LEVEL Will wake system Will wake system