Synchronous clock rates up to
1/2 of the device clock frequency
Asynchronous clock rates up to
1/8 of the device clock frequency
Supports Serial Frames with:
5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits
Optionally even and odd parity
1 or 2 Stop bits
Fractional Baud Rate Generator:
Can generate desired baud rate
from any system clock frequency
No need for external oscillator
with certain frequencies
Built-In Error Detection and
Correction Schemes:
Odd or even parity generation
and parity check
Data overrun and framing error
Noise filtering includes false
Start bit detection and digital low-pass filter
Separate Interrupts for:
Transmit complete
Transmit Data register
Receive complete
Multiprocessor Communication mode:
Addressing scheme to address
specific devices on a multi-device bus
Enable unaddressed devices to
automatically ignore all frames
Start Frame Detection in UART
Master SPI mode:
Double buffered operation
Configurable data order
Operation up to 1/2 of the
peripheral clock frequency
IRCOM Module for IrDA Compliant Pulse
LIN Slave Support:
Auto-baud and Break character
RS-485 Support
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.