3.5.1 Serial Debug COM Port

The SAMA7G54-EK board features a dedicated serial port for debugging, accessible through header J20. Various interfaces can be used as a USB/serial DBGU port bridge, such as the FTDI TTL-232R USB-to-TTL serial cable.

Figure 3-53. Debug COM Port Interface Schematic
Table 3-44. Debug COM Port Signal Description
PIO Signal Name Shared Signal Description
PD17 DBGU_RX_PD17 DEBUG Receive data
PD16 DBGU_TX_PD16 DEBUG Transmit data
Note: The use of a 6-pin header FTDI cable is necessary to supply U23 with 5V in order to polarize the pull-up resistors R234 and R235. If a 3-wire FTDI cable is used, a shortcut between VBUS_FTDI and VDD_3V3 is necessary.