3.5.6 Disable Boot

On-board push button SW4 and/or jumper J22 control the selection (CS#) of the bootable memory components, QSPI and e.MMC NAND Flash, using a non-inverting 3-state buffer for the first memory and a MOSFET for the second one.

The rule of operation is:

  • SW4 (DISABLE_BOOT) or J22 shorted: booting from QSPI and e.MMC NAND FLASH is disabled.
  • LED D8 indicates the state of the DIS_BOOT signal:
    • Red: the on-board boot memories are disabled.
    • Green: the on-board boot memories are enabled.
Figure 3-58. Disable Boot Schematic
Note: The “Disable Boot” mechanism does not disable booting from SD Card connector J4. The user must remove the SD Card to disable booting from it.