Sizeof Operator With Pointer Types
The C sizeof
operator when acting on pointer types
or on structure or array types that contain a pointer may not work reliably. This
operator, however, may be used with pointer, structure, or array identifiers. This
is due to the dynamic nature of pointer size used by the compiler.
For the following code:
char * cp;
size_t size;
size = sizeof(char *);
size = sizeof(cp);
in the first example will be assigned the maximum
size a pointer can be for the particular target device you have chosen. In the second
example, size
will be assigned the actual size of the pointer variable,
The sizeof
operator using a pointer variable operand cannot be used as the
number-of-elements expression in an array declaration. For example, the size of the
following array is unpredictable:
unsigned buffer[sizeof(cp) * 10];