Jump to main content XC8 Compiler - Preprocessing and messaging options
Define macros
This field allows you to define preprocessor macros. See D: Define a Macro .
Undefine macros
This field allows you to undefine preprocessor macros. See U: Undefine Macros .
Preprocess assembly files
This checkbox is used to preprocess assembly source files. See the
Xassembler Option .
Include directories
This field allows you to specify the directories searched for header
files. See I: Specify Include File Search Path
Option .
This checkbox shows the build command lines. See V: Verbose Compilation .
Warning level
This field adjusts the warning level threshold to control how many warnings will
be issued with each build. See Warn Option .
Use CCI syntax
This checkbox requests that the CCI language extension be enforced.
See Ext Option .
Generate the ASM listing file
This checkbox generates an assembly listing file. See Mapped Assembler Options .
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