23.2.1 Block Diagram

Figure 23-1. Timer/Counter Block Diagram

The TCD core is asynchronous to the system clock. The timer/counter consist of two compare/capture units, each with a separate waveform output. In addition, there are two extra waveform outputs which can be equal to the output from one of the units. The compare registers CMPxSET and CMPxCLR are stored in the respective registers (TCDn.CMPxSET, TCDn.CMPxCLR), which consists of both a low and a high byte. The registers are synchronized to the TCD domain after writing to the registers.

During normal operation, the counter value is continuously compared to the compare registers. This is used to generate both interrupts and events.

The TCD can use the input events in ten different input modes, selected separately for the two input events. The input mode defines how the input event will affect the outputs, and where in the TCD cycle the counter should go when an event occurs.