14.5.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x00
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 6 – IVSEL Interrupt Vector Select

If the boot section is defined, it will be placed before the application section. The actual start address of the application section is determined by the BOOTEND fuse.

This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism.

0Interrupt vectors are placed at the start of the application section of the Flash
1Interrupt vectors are placed at the start of the boot section of the Flash

Bit 5 – CVT Compact Vector Table

This bit is protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism.

0Compact Vector Table function is disabled
1Compact Vector Table function is enabled

Bit 0 – LVL0RR Round Robin Priority Enable

This bit is not protected by the Configuration Change Protection mechanism.
0Priority is fixed for priority level 0 interrupt requests: The lowest interrupt vector address has the highest priority.
1Round Robin priority scheme is enabled for priority level 0 interrupt requests