14.5.3 Interrupt Priority Level 0

Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – LVL0PRI[7:0] Interrupt Priority Level 0

When Round Robin is enabled (LVL0RR bit in CPUINT.CTRLA is '1'), this bit field stores the vector of the last acknowledged priority level 0 (LVL0) interrupt. The stored vector will have the lowest priority next time one or more LVL0 interrupts are pending.

If Round Robin is disabled (LVL0RR in CPUINT.CTRLA is '0'), the vector address-based priority scheme (lowest address has the highest priority) is governing the priorities of LVL0 interrupt requests.

If a system Reset is asserted, the lowest interrupt vector address will have the highest priority within the LVL0.