4.4.1 XC32 (Global Options)

Set up global options for all 32-bit language tools. See also “4.4.8 Options Page Features”.

Table 4-1. XC32 (Global Options) All Options Category
OptionDescriptionCommand Line

Stack Smashing Protector

Selects those functions protected from stack overflow.




Override default device support The Do not override selection will let the MPLAB X IDE provide a list of its own DFPs that can be selected. The Compiler location will use the DFPs that ship with the compiler rather than the IDE. -mdfp
Don’t delete intermediate files Don’t delete intermediate Files. Place them in the object directory and name them based on the source file. -save-temps=obj
Link-Time OptimizationsWhen this feature is enabled, the build will be constrained in the following ways:

- The per-file build settings will be ignored

- The build will no longer be an incremental one (full build only)

Common include dirsDirectory paths entered here will be appended to the already existing include paths of the compiler.

Relative paths are from the MPLAB X IDE project directory.

-I dir
Data TCM size in bytesEnable data Tightly Coupled Memory with the specified size. -mdtcm=n where n is the size specified by user
Instruction TCM size in bytesEnable instruction Tightly Coupled Memory with the specified size.-mitcm=n
Locate stack data in TCMLocate the stack in data Tightly Coupled Memory.-mstack-in-tcm