2.3 Program Command Usage

Usage: atprogram [options] program <arguments>

Options: Execute the atprogram without arguments to list the available options.


-fl --flash: Program flash address space. tinyAVR, megaAVR, and AVR XMEGA only.

-ee --eeprom: Program EEPROM address space.

-us --usersignature: Program user signature.

-up --userpage: Program user page.

-fs --fuses: Program fuses.

-lb --lockbits: Program lockbits.

-f --file (file): File to be programmed. Intel® .hex, .elf, or binary.

-o --offset (offset): Input file contents will be written to this offset. Default offset is 0. Only valid for binary file format.

--format (format): Specify the file format. Supported input formats are 'elf', 'hex', and 'bin'.

-c --chiperase: Perform a chip erase before programming.

-e --erase: Erase only affected pages before programming. AVR UC3 and AVR XMEGA only. SAM devices will always do this.

--verify: Verify memory after programming.


  • atprogram -t atmelice -i jtag -d atmega2560 program -c -fl -f source.elf

    Perform chip erase and program only the segments of source.elf that maps to the flash.

  • atprogram -t atmelice -i ISP -d atmega328pb program -f d:\GCCBoard1.hex --verify

    Program firmware image file d:\GCCBoard1.hex to the ATmega328PB chip and verify after programming.