Initializing the PUKCC and PUKCL

For a project created with Harmony 3, the clock initialization is handled by the initialization function CLK_Initialize(). After a power-on reset, and when the PUKCC Clock is enabled, a Crypto RAM clear process is launched. It is mandatory to wait until the end of this process before using the Crypto Library.

The following code shows how to wait for the Crypto RAM clear process.


The next task to be done is self-test. From the generated project in Harmony 3, copy the example for the PUKCC Driver SelfTest and add it to the main source file. This is a mandatory step before using the library. The return values from the SelfTest service must be compared against known values mentioned in the service description (see the Description section in SelfTest).

PUKCC Initialization

void PUKCC_self_test(void)
    // Clear contents of PUKCLParam
    memset(&PUKCLParam, 0, sizeof(PUKCL_PARAM));

    pvPUKCLParam = &PUKCLParam;
    vPUKCL_Process(SelfTest, pvPUKCLParam);

    // In case of error, loop here
    while (PUKCL(u2Status) != PUKCL_OK) {
    while (pvPUKCLParam->P.PUKCL_SelfTest.u4Version != PUKCL_VERSION) {
    while (pvPUKCLParam->P.PUKCL_SelfTest.u4CheckNum1 != 0x6E70DDD2) {
    while (pvPUKCLParam->P.PUKCL_SelfTest.u4CheckNum2 != 0x25C8D64F) {

int main(void)
    /* Initializes MCU, drivers and middleware */    
    // Wait for Crypto RAM clear process

    // Initialize PUKCC and perform self test
Note: It may also be necessary to initialize the Random Number Generator (RNG) on the microcontroller, as some services in the library use the peripheral. Before calling such services, be sure to follow the directives given for random number generation on the selected microcontroller (particularly initialization and seeding) and compulsorily start the RNG. For details refer to each service.