4.3.6 Crypto Device
Several of the Atmel security devices require only an I2C interface to work, and they share the same packages and pin-outs. SAM L22 Xplained Pro implements a DFN8 footprint for these devices so the user may test the mounted ATECC508A device or solder in other CryptoAuthentication devices. The table below shows all the connections between the ATECC508A and the ATSAML22N18A.
ATECC508A pin | SAM L22 pin | Function | Shared functionality |
1 [NC] | - | - | - |
2 [NC] | - | - | - |
3 [NC] | - | - | - |
4 [GND] | - | GND | - |
5 [SDA] | PB30 | SERCOM5 PAD[0] I²C SDA | EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, Shield, and EDBG I²C |
6 [SCL] | PB31 | SERCOM5 PAD[1] I²C SCL | EXT1, EXT2, EXT3, Shield, and EDBG I²C |
7 [NC] | - | - | |
8 [VCC] | - | VCC_TARGET_P3V3 | - |
9 [PAD] | - | GND | - |