SAM L22 Xplained Pro implements Arduino shield connectors footprints
based on the Arduino Uno. All references to Arduino pin
names are taken from the official Arduino schematics of the Arduino Uno.
Info: Note that
all pins do not have the exact same functionality as on the Arduino Uno on the shield
connectors. Each shield should be checked for compatibility before it is
Table 4-5. J902 - PowerJ902 pin | SAM L22
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | - | RFU | - | - |
2 | - | IOREF | VCC_TARGET_P3V3 | - |
3 | RESETN | RESET | TARGET_RESET | Shield, EDBG, and Cortex®
Debug |
4 | - | 3.3V | VCC_TARGET_P3V3 | - |
5 | - | 5V | VCC_P5V0 | - |
6 | - | GND | GND | - |
7 | - | GND | GND | - |
8 | - | VIN | VCC_EXT_P5V0 | - |
Table 4-7. J904 - Digital LowJ904 pin | SAM L22
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | PB13 | D0 / RX0 | SERCOM3 PAD[1] UART RX | SLCD |
2 | PB12 | D1 / TX0 | SERCOM3 PAD[0] UART TX | SLCD |
3 | PB11 | D2 | GPIO | SLCD |
4 | PB14 | D3 | GPIO | SLCD |
5 | PB15 | D4 | GPIO | SLCD |
6 | PC14 | D5 | GPIO | SLCD |
7 | PC15 | D6 | GPIO | SLCD |
8 | PB20 | D7 | GPIO | SLCD |
Table 4-9. J900 - SPI J900 pin | SAM L22
pin | Arduino pin name | Function | Shared functionality |
1 | PC11 | MISO | SERCOM1 PAD[3] SPI MISO | SLCD and Shield |
2 | - | 5V | VCC_P5V0 | - |
3 | PC13 | SCK | SERCOM1 PAD[1] SPI SCK | SLCD and Shield |
4 | PC12 | MOSI | SERCOM1 PAD[0] SPI MOSI | SLCD and Shield |
5 | RESETN | RESET | TARGET_RESET | Shield, EDBG, and Cortex Debug |
6 | - | GND | GND | - |