2.5 SecureElement Object

The SecureElement object contains all the information about the secure element.

  "version": 1,
  "model": "ATECC608A",
  "partNumber": "ATECC608A-MAHDA-T",
  "manufacturer": EntityName,
  "provisioner": EntityName,
  "distributer": EntityName,
  "groupId": "359SCE55NV38H3CB",
  "provisioningTimestamp": "2018-01-15T17:22:45.000Z",
  "uniqueId": "0123f1822c38dd7a01",
  "publicKeySet": {
    "keys": [ PublicJWK, ... ]
  "encryptedSecretKeySet": {
    "keys": [ EncryptedSecretJWK, ... ]
  "modelInfo": ModelInfo
SecureElement object version as an integer. The current version is 1. Subsequent versions will strive to maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions, where possible.
Name of the base secure element model. The current options are ATECC508A, ATECC608A and ATECC608B from the CryptoAuthentication family.
Complete part number of the provisioned secure element.
An EntityName object that identifies the manufacturer of the secure element.
An EntityName object that identifies who performed the provisioning/programming of the secure element.
An EntityName object that identifies who distributed the provisioned secure elements. In many cases, this will be the same entity that generates the manifest data being described here.
Secure elements may be organized into groups identified by a single ID. If the secure element is part of a group, this is the unique ID of that set. Group IDs should be globally unique.
Date and time the secure element was provisioned in UTC. Formatting is per RFC 3339.
Unique identifier for the secure element. For CryptoAuthentication devices, this is the 9-byte device serial number as a lowercase hex string.
An object representing all the public keys (and certificate chains, if available) corresponding to private keys held by the secure element. This object is a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) per RFC 7517 section 5, where keys are an array of PublicJWK objects.
An object representing all the secret keys (symmetric keys) and data held by the secure element that are marked for export. The keys member is an array of EncryptedSecretJWK objects. Note that an encrypted JWK Set is not used so the metadata about the individual keys (number and key IDs) can be read without decrypting.
If additional non-cryptographic information about the secure element needs to be conveyed, this ModelInfo object may be present with model-specific information.