7.1 Event System Configuration in Atmel | START

Todo: Configure the Event system in Atmel | START.
  1. Select Re-Configure Atmel Start Project by right-clicking the ADC_Training project in the Solution Explore window from the previous assignment.
  2. Add in the Events System component in the opened Atmel | START window:
    1. Expand the driver from the ADD SOFTWARE COMPONENT window by clicking in the Atmel | START window.
    2. Select the Events System driver by clicking .
    3. Add in the selected Events System component by clicking .
      Info: The Events System driver will be added to the project.
  3. Configure the Asynchronous Event Channel 0 as shown in Figure 7-1.
    Figure 7-1. Event Source Selection
    1. Select the EVENTS icon on the left side of the window.
    2. Select Asynchronous Event Channel 0.
      Info: The EVENT SYSYEM SETTINGS window should appear.
    3. Scroll down and select the Real Time Counter overflow option in the popped up EVENT SYSTEM SETTINGS window and close the window.
  4. Configure the Event user as shown in Figure 7-2:
    1. Click the setting dialog under USERS -> ADC0.
    2. Select the checkbox of Start Event Input Enable in the popped up EVENT SYSTEM SETTINGS window.
    3. Select Asynchronous Event Channel 0 as ASYNCUSER1 in the popped up EVENT SYSTEM SETTINGS window and close the window.
    Figure 7-2. Event Channel Selection
    Info: The Event system configuration is now completed with the event generator, event channel, and event user defined as shown in Figure 7-3.
    Figure 7-3. Event User Selection

  5. Reconfigure RTC in Atmel | START:
    1. Reopen the RTC configuration window by clicking DASHBOARD on the left side of the window.
    2. Click the existing RTC_0 module.
    3. Unselect the checkbox for OVF: Overflow Interrupt enable as marked with red in Figure 7-4.
    Figure 7-4. RTC Reconfiguration
  6. Regenerate the project by clicking the GENERATE PROJECT button. The project summary window pops up. Click OK.