3.2 Atmel | START Project Overview in Atmel Studio

This section will provide a walk-through of the Atmel | START project generated in Atmel | START Project Creation. The generated project contains peripheral driver functions and files, as well as main() function that initializes all drivers included in the project.

Figure 3-9. Project Overview
Info: The main window, as seen in Figure 3-9, shows the generated code for the main.c file. On the right side is the Solution Explorer window, which contains the folders and files generated by Atmel | START:
  • The Config folder contains the clock configuration. The main clock is configured to 5 MHz and is defined by #define F_CPU 5000000 in clock_config.h.
  • Header and source files of the drivers are located in the src and include folders. For example, the adc_basic.c and usart_basic.c files contain the drivers which will be used for the two modules in the coming sections.
  • The utils folder contains files that define some functions to be commonly used by the drivers and application.
  • In the atmel_start.c file, the atmel_start_init() function initializes the MCU, drivers, and middleware in the project.
  • When interrupts are enabled in the project's configuration, the driver_isr.c file contains the interrupt service routines (ISRs).
Todo: Get to know the structure of the Atmel | START project.
  1. Open the main.c file, by double-clicking it from the Solution Explorer window.
  2. Go to the implementation of atmel_start_init() by
    1. Hover over atmel_start_init().
    2. Right-click → Goto Implementation
      Info: A menu, showing the different locations, will appear.
    3. Jump to where the function is implemented by selecting the first option from the menu.
    4. right-clicking → Goto Implementation
  3. Go to the implementation of system_init() by
    1. Hover over system_init().
    2. Right-click → Goto Implementation
      Info: A menu, showing the different locations, will appear.
    3. Jump to where the function is implemented by selecting the first option from the menu.
      Info: The implementation of system_init(), as shown in Figure 3-10, should now be visible in Atmel Studio's editor window.
    Figure 3-10. system_init() Function
    • The function mcu_init() enables the internal pull-up resistor on all pins to reduce power consumption.
    • All driver initialization functions are called from the system_init() function.
    • All the module initialization functions can be right-clicked in the same way as described above to see how each module is initialized. For example, ADC_0_initialization() and USART_0_initialization() configures the pins and initializes the registers for the ADC and USART module respectively.
  4. Go to the implementation of USART_0_initialization() by
    1. Hover over USART_0_initialization().
    2. Right-click → Goto Implementation
      Info: A menu, showing the different locations, will appear.
    3. Jump to where the function is implemented by selecting the first option from the menu.
      Info: The implementation of USART_0_initialization(), as shown in Figure 3-11, should now be visible in the Atmel Studio editor window.
    Figure 3-11. USART_0_initialization() Function
    Figure 3-11 shows the initialization code for the USART module, where the PB2 and PB3 pins are configured for the TX and RX transmission.
    Note: In this training, only TX transmission is used.
Result: The Atmel | START project overview is completed.