

typedef struct  BLE_SMP_EvtPairingComplete_T
    uint16_t                connHandle;
    uint8_t                 status;
    uint8_t                 failReason;
    bool                    bond;
    uint8_t                 encryptKey[16];
    BLE_SMP_SecKeys_T       local;
    BLE_SMP_SecKeys_T       remote;
} BLE_SMP_EvtPairingComplete_T;

Field Documentation

connHandleConnection handle associated with this connection.
statusStatus of pairing procedure. See Pairing result.
failReasonThe failReason field indicates why the pairing failed if the status is BLE_SMP_PAIRING_FAIL. See Pairing fail reason.
bondThe remote is bonded or not.
encryptKeyEncryption key associated with this connection.
localLocal security keys.
remoteRemote security keys.