

uint16_t GATTS_UpdateBondingInfo(uint16_t connHandle, GATTS_BondingParams_T *p_gattsParams, uint8_t numOfCccds, GATTS_CccdList_T *p_cccdList);


Notify GATT Server the relevant bonding information of the connection.


This function is suggested to be called once after connected whether the connection is bonded or not. The GATT Server requires bonding information when processing some requests on bonded connection.

If the GATT Server initialized with gatt caching supported, i.e. GATTS_Init with GATTS_CONFIG_CACHING_SUPPORT, this function must be called after the link connected (whether bonded link or not). The stack GATT will start process packets after the bonded information get.


[in] connHandleConnection handle.
[in] p_gattsParamsGATTS required bonding parameters. See GATTS_BondingParams_T. Set NULL if it is non-bonded connection.
[in] numOfCccdsNumber of CCCDs of this bonded connection. Set zero if it is non-bonded connection.
[in] p_cccdListCCCDs list of this bonded connection. GATTS_CccdList_T. Set NULL if it is non-bonded connection.

Return values

Return valueDescription
MBA_RES_SUCCESSSuccessfully notify GATT updated parameters.
MBA_RES_INVAIID_PARAThe connection handle is invalid.