31.5.6 LUT n Control A

Offset: 0x08 + n*0x04 [n=0..3]
Reset: 0x00
Property: Enable-Protected

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – EDGEDET Edge Detection

0 Edge detector is disabled
1 Edge detector is enabled

Bit 6 – OUTEN Output Enable

This bit enables the LUT output to the LUTn OUT pin. When written to ‘1’, the pin configuration of the PORT I/O-Controller is overridden.
0 Output to pin disabled
1 Output to pin enabled

Bits 5:4 – FILTSEL[1:0] Filter Selection

These bits select the LUT output filter options.

0x0 DISABLE Filter disabled
0x1 SYNCH Synchronizer enabled
0x2 FILTER Filter enabled
0x3 - Reserved

Bits 3:1 – CLKSRC[2:0] Clock Source Selection

This bit selects between various clock sources to be used as the clock (CLK_LUTn) for an LUT.

The CLK_LUTn of the even LUT is used for clocking the sequencer of an LUT pair.

Value Name Description
0x00 CLKPER CLK_PER is clocking the LUT
0x01 IN2 LUT input 2 is clocking the LUT
0x02 - Reserved
0x03 - Reserved
0x04 OSCHF Internal high-frequency oscillator before prescaler is clocking the LUT
0x05 OSC32K Internal 32.768 kHz oscillator is clocking the LUT
0x06 OSC1K Internal 32.768 kHz oscillator divided by 32 (1.024 kHz) is clocking the LUT
0x07 PLL PLL is clocking the LUT

Bit 0 – ENABLE LUT Enable

0 The LUT is disabled
1 The LUT is enabled