11.5.4 Interrupt Control

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 

Bit 1 – FLREADY Flash Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing a ‘1’ to this bit enables the interrupt, which indicates that the Flash is ready for new write/erase operations.

This is a level interrupt that will be triggered only when the FLREADY flag in the INTFLAGS register is set to ‘1’. Thus, the interrupt must not be enabled before triggering an NVM command, as the FLBUSY flag will not be set before the NVM command is issued. The interrupt must be disabled in the interrupt handler.

Bit 0 – EEREADY EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable

Writing a ‘1’ to this bit enables the interrupt, which indicates that the EEPROM is ready for new write/erase operations.

This is a level interrupt that will be triggered only when the EEREADY flag in the INTFLAGS register is set to ‘1’. Thus, the interrupt must not be enabled before triggering an NVM command, as the EEBUSY flag will not be set before the NVM command is issued. The interrupt must be disabled in the interrupt handler.