6.3.1 How to Queue for Licenses

In RLM, queuing for licenses is under the software user's control for well-behaved applications.

Unlike older license managers, RLM will queue for a license at every available license pool on every server, meaning you will not be stuck in a queue when there are licenses available on a server elsewhere.

In order to enable your application to queue for a license, set the environment variable RLM_QUEUE to any value. If RLM_QUEUE is set, the application will queue for it's license if it is not able to check the license out an any license server. Once the application recognizes that the license has been granted by a server, it automatically de-queues the requests at all the other servers. Note that this capability depends on your Software Provider having coded their application to handle the QUEUED status return from the license server. Note that if you have set RLM_ROAM (or <ISVNAME>_ROAM), the setting of RLM_QUEUE is ignored.