1 What is the Timer/Counter Type E?

The flexible 16-Bit PWM Timer/Counter type E (TCE) provides accurate program execution timing, frequency and waveform generation, and command execution. The Timer/Counter consists of a base counter and compare channels. The base counter can be used to count clock cycles or events or let events control how it counts clock cycles. The counting direction and period setting control is used for accurate timing. The compare channels can be used with the base counter for compare match control, frequency generation, and pulse width waveform modulation.


  • 16-Bit Timer/Counter
  • Four Compare Channels
  • Double-Buffered Timer Period Setting
  • Double-Buffered Compare Channels
  • Waveform Generation:
    • Frequency generation
    • Single-Slope PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)
    • Dual-Slope PWM
  • Count on Event
  • Timer Overflow Interrupts/Events
  • One Compare Match per Compare Channel
  • Increase Waveform Generator Resolution up to 8x (three bits)