Recoverable Faults

Recoverable faults can restart or halt the timer/counter. Two faults, called Fault A and Fault B, can trigger recoverable fault actions on the compare channels CC0 and CC1 of the TCC. The compare channels' outputs can be clamped to inactive state either as long as the fault condition is present, or from the first valid fault condition detection on until the end of the timer/counter cycle.

Fault Inputs

The first two channel input events (TCCxMC0 and TCCxMC1) can be used as Fault A and Fault B inputs, respectively. Event system channels connected to these fault inputs must be configured as asynchronous. The TCC must work in a PWM mode.

Fault Filtering

There are three filters available for each input Fault A and Fault B. They are configured by the corresponding Recoverable Fault n Configuration registers (FCTRLA and FCTRLB). The three filters can either be used independently or in any combination.

Input Filtering
By default, the event detection is asynchronous. When the event occurs, the fault system will immediately and asynchronously perform the selected fault action on the compare channel output, also in device power modes where the clock is not available. To avoid false fault detection on external events (e.g. due to a glitch on an I/O port) a digital filter can be enabled and configured by the Fault B Filter Value bits in the Fault n Configuration registers (FCTRLn.FILTERVAL). If the event width is less than FILTERVAL (in clock cycles), the event will be discarded. A valid event will be delayed by FILTERVAL clock cycles.
Fault Blanking
This ignores any fault input for a certain time just after a selected waveform output edge. This can be used to prevent false fault triggering due to signal bouncing, as shown in the figure below. Blanking can be enabled by writing an edge triggering configuration to the Fault n Blanking Mode bits in the Recoverable Fault n Configuration register (FCTRLn.BLANK). The desired duration of the blanking must be written to the Fault n Blanking Time bits (FCTRLn.BLANKVAL).

The blanking time tbis calculated by


Here, fGCLK_TCCx_PRESC is the frequency of the prescaled peripheral clock frequency fGCLK_TCCx.

The maximum blanking time (FCTRLn.BLANKVAL=
255) at fGCLK_TCCx=96MHz is 2.67µs (no prescaler) or 170µs (prescaling). For fGCLK_TCCx=1MHz, the maximum blanking time is either 170µs (no prescaling) or 10.9ms (prescaling enabled).

Figure 36-22. Fault Blanking in RAMP1 Operation with Inverted Polarity
Fault Qualification
This is enabled by writing a '1' to the Fault n Qualification bit in the Recoverable Fault n Configuration register (FCTRLn.QUAL). When the recoverable fault qualification is enabled (FCTRLn.QUAL=1), the fault input is disabled all the time the corresponding channel output has an inactive level, as shown in the figures below.
Figure 36-23. Fault Qualification in RAMP1 Operation
Figure 36-24. Fault Qualification in RAMP2 Operation with Inverted Polarity

Fault Actions

Different fault actions can be configured individually for Fault A and Fault B. Most fault actions are not mutually exclusive; hence two or more actions can be enabled at the same time to achieve a result that is a combination of fault actions.

Keep Action
This is enabled by writing the Fault n Keeper bit in the Recoverable Fault n Configuration register (FCTRLn.KEEP) to '1'. When enabled, the corresponding channel output will be clamped to zero as long as the fault condition is present. The clamp will be released on the start of the first cycle after the fault condition is no longer present, see next Figure.
Figure 36-25. Waveform Generation with Fault Qualification and Keep Action
Restart Action

This is enabled by writing the Fault n Restart bit in Recoverable Fault n Configuration register (FCTRLn.RESTART) to '1'. When enabled, the timer/counter will be restarted as soon as the corresponding fault condition is present. The ongoing cycle is stopped and the timer/counter starts a new cycle, see Figure 36-26. In Ramp 1 mode, when the new cycle starts, the compare outputs will be clamped to inactive level as long as the fault condition is present.

Note: For RAMP2 operation, when a new timer/counter cycle starts the cycle index will change automatically, see Figure 36-27. Fault A and Fault B are qualified only during the cycle A and cycle B respectively: Fault A is disabled during cycle B, and Fault B is disabled during cycle A.
Figure 36-26. Waveform Generation in RAMP1 mode with Restart Action
Figure 36-27. Waveform Generation in RAMP2 mode with Restart Action
Capture Action
Several capture actions can be selected by writing the Fault n Capture Action bits in the Fault n Control register (FCTRLn.CAPTURE). When one of the capture operations is selected, the counter value is captured when the fault occurs. These capture operations are available:
  • CAPT - the equivalent to a standard capture operation, for further details refer to Capture Operations
  • CAPTMIN - gets the minimum time stamped value: on each new local minimum captured value, an event or interrupt is issued.
  • CAPTMAX - gets the maximum time stamped value: on each new local maximum captured value, an event or interrupt (IT) is issued, see Figure 36-28.
  • LOCMIN - notifies by event or interrupt when a local minimum captured value is detected.
  • LOCMAX - notifies by event or interrupt when a local maximum captured value is detected.
  • DERIV0 - notifies by event or interrupt when a local extreme captured value is detected, see Figure 36-29.

CCx Content:

In CAPTMIN and CAPTMAX operations, CCx keeps the respective extremum captured values, see Figure 36-28. In LOCMIN, LOCMAX or DERIV0 operation, CCx follows the counter value at fault time, see Figure 36-29.

Before enabling CAPTMIN or CAPTMAX mode of capture, the user must initialize the corresponding CCx register value to a value different from zero (for CAPTMIN) top (for CAPTMAX). If the CCx register initial value is zero (for CAPTMIN) top (for CAPTMAX), no captures will be performed using the corresponding channel.

MCx Behaviour:

In LOCMIN and LOCMAX operation, capture is performed on each capture event. The MCx interrupt flag is set only when the captured value is above or equal (for LOCMIN) or below or equal (for LOCMAX) to the previous captured value. So interrupt flag is set when a new relative local Minimum (for CAPTMIN) or Maximum (for CAPTMAX) value has been detected. DERIV0 is equivalent to an OR function of (LOCMIN, LOCMAX).

In CAPT operation, capture is performed on each capture event. The MCx interrupt flag is set on each new capture.

In CAPTMIN and CAPTMAX operation, capture is performed only when on capture event time, the counter value is lower (for CAPTMIN) or higher (for CAPMAX) than the last captured value. The MCx interrupt flag is set only when on capture event time, the counter value is higher or equal (for CAPTMIN) or lower or equal (for CAPTMAX) to the value captured on the previous event. So interrupt flag is set when a new absolute local Minimum (for CAPTMIN) or Maximum (for CAPTMAX) value has been detected.

Interrupt Generation

In CAPT mode, an interrupt is generated on each filtered Fault n and each dedicated CCx channel capture counter value. In other modes, an interrupt is only generated on an extreme captured value.

Figure 36-28. Capture Action “CAPTMAX”
Figure 36-29. Capture Action “DERIV0”
Hardware Halt Action

This is configured by writing 0x1 to the Fault n Halt mode bits in the Recoverable Fault n Configuration register (FCTRLn.HALT). When enabled, the timer/counter is halted and the cycle is extended as long as the corresponding fault is present.

The next figure ('Waveform Generation with Halt and Restart Actions') shows an example where both restart action and hardware halt action are enabled for Fault A. The compare channel 0 output is clamped to inactive level as long as the timer/counter is halted. The timer/counter resumes the counting operation as soon as the fault condition is no longer present. As the restart action is enabled in this example, the timer/counter is restarted after the fault condition is no longer present.

The figure after that ('Waveform Generation with Fault Qualification, Halt, and Restart Actions') shows a similar example, but with additionally enabled fault qualification. Here, counting is resumed after the fault condition is no longer present.

Note that in RAMP2 and RAMP2A operations, when a new timer/counter cycle starts, the cycle index will automatically change.

Figure 36-30. Waveform Generation with Halt and Restart Actions
Figure 36-31. Waveform Generation with Fault Qualification, Halt, and Restart Actions
Software Halt Action

This is configured by writing 0x2 to the Fault n Halt mode bits in the Recoverable Fault n configuration register (FCTRLn.HALT). Software halt action is similar to hardware halt action, but in order to restart the timer/counter, the corresponding fault condition must not be present anymore, and the corresponding FAULT n bit in the STATUS register must be cleared by software.

Figure 36-32. Waveform Generation with Software Halt, Fault Qualification, Keep and Restart Actions