Product Identification System

To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office.

I/O TypeBlank 24-PAD VQFN SPI and I2C Interfaces
Blank8-PIN SOIC SPI Interface Only
T 8-PIN SOIC I2C Interface Only
Temperature Range:Y-40℃ to +125
IC Revision(2)xxxContact Microchip for Information
Package OptionC2X8-Pin SOIC
Firmware Revision01Firmware Release 01
02Firmware Release 02
OTS or Customer Code00Standard Configuration
PDSPI Pull-ups Disabled
Shipping OptionsTTape and Reel(1)
BBulk Units
Product IdentifierVAOGeneric Automotive Product
Customer Ordering CodeI/O


Internal I2C


TA101T-Y250C2X01-00T-VAOI2CNoSOIC-8Tape and ReelStandard Configuration
TA101T-Y250C2X01-00B-VAOI2CNoSOIC-8BulkStandard Configuration
TA101-Y250C2X01-00T-VAOSPISOIC-8Tape and ReelStandard Configuration
TA101-Y250C2X01-PDT-VAOSPISOIC-8Tape and ReelSPI Pull-ups Disabled
TA101-Y250C2X01-00B-VAOSPISOIC-8BulkStandard Configuration
TA101-Y250C2X01-PDB-VAOSPISOIC-8BulkSPI Pull-ups Disabled
TA101-Y250UFB01-00T-VAOI2C, SPINoVQFN-24Tape and ReelStandard Configuration
TA101-Y250UFB01-00B-VAOI2C, SPINoVQFN-24BulkStandard Configuration
  1. Tape and Reel identifier only appears in the catalog part number description. This identifier is used for ordering purposes and is not printed on the device package. Check with your Microchip Sales Office for package availability with the Tape and Reel option.
  2. IC Revision code indicates the base silicon revision and ROM code revision.