2.1 Ports
The following tables list the description of the input and the output ports of the H.264 Encoder.
Signal Name | Direction | Width | Description |
DDR_CLK_I | Input | 1 | DDR memory controller clock |
PIX_CLK_I | Input | 1 | Input clock with which incoming pixels are sampled |
RESET_N | Input | 1 | Active-low Asynchronous reset signal to the design |
DATA_VALID_I | Input | 1 | Input Pixel data valid signal |
DATA_Y_I | Input | 8 | 8-bit Luma pixel input in 422 format |
DATA_C_I | Input | 8 | 8-bit Chroma pixel input in 422 format |
FRAME_START_I | Input | 1 | Start of Frame indication The rising edge of this signal is considered as frame start. |
FRAME_END_I | Input | 1 | End of Frame indication |
DDR_FRAME_START_ADDR_I | Input | 8 | DDR memory start address (LSB 24-bits are 0) to store the reconstructed frame. The H.264 IP will store 4 frames and it will use 64 MB of DDR memory. |
I_FRAME_FORCE_I | Input | 1 | User can force to I frame at anytime. It is pulse signal. |
PCOUNT_I | Input | 8 | Number of P frames per every I
frame 422 format value ranges from 0 to 255. |
QP | Input | 6 | Quality factor for H.264
quantization 422 fornat value ranges from 0 to 51 where 0 represents highest quality and lowest compression and 51 represents highest compression. |
SKIP_THRESHOLD_I | Input | 12 | Threshold for skip block decision This value represents the SAD value of 16 x 16 Macro block for skipping. The range is from 0 to 1024, with a typical value of 512. Higher threshold produces more skip blocks and low quality. |
VRES_I | Input | 16 | Vertical resolution of input image. It must be multiple of 16. |
HRES_I | Input | 16 | Horizontal resolution of input image. It must be multiple of 16. |
DATA_VALID_O | Output | 1 | Signal denoting encoded data is valid. |
DATA_O | Output | 16 | H.264 encoded data output that contains NAL unit, slice header, SPS, PPS, and the encoded data of macro blocks. |
WRITE_ CHANNEL_BUS | — | — | Write channel bus to be connected with Video arbiter Write channel bus. This is available when the bus interface is selected for Arbiter Interface. |
READ_CHANNEL_BUS | — | — | Read channel bus to be connected with Video arbiter Read channel bus. This is available when the bus interface is selected for Arbiter Interface. |
DDR Write Native IF—These ports are available when the Native interface is selected for Arbiter Interface. | |||
DDR_WRITE_ACK_I | Input | 1 | Write acknowledgment from arbiter write channel. |
DDR_WRITE_DONE_I | Input | 1 | Write completion from arbiter. |
DDR_WRITE_REQ_O | Output | 1 | Write request to arbiter. |
DDR_WRITE_START_ADDR_O | Output | 32 | DDR address to which write has to be made. |
DDR_WBURST_SIZE_O | Output | 8 | DDR write burst size. |
DDR_WDATA_VALID_O | Output | 1 | Data valid to arbiter. |
DDR_WDATA_O | Output | DDR_AXI_DATA_WIDTH | Data output to arbiter. |
DDR Read Native IF—These ports are available when the Native interface is selected for Arbiter Interface. | |||
DDR_READ_ACK_I | Input | 1 | Read acknowledgment from arbiter read channel. |
DDR_READ_DONE_I | Input | 1 | Read completion from arbiter. |
DDR_RDATA_VALID_I | Input | 1 | Data valid from arbiter. |
DDR_RDATA_I | Input | DDR_AXI_DATA_WIDTH | Data input from arbiter. |
DDR_READ_REQ_O | Output | 1 | Read request to arbiter. |
DDR_READ_START_ADDR_O | Output | 32 | DDR address from which read has to be made. |
DDR_RBURST_SIZE_O | Output | 8 | DDR read burst size. |