1.2 Recommended Reading

This document describes how to use the MPLAB® ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator. Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.

Development Tools Design Advisory

Please read this first!

This document contains important information about operational issues that should be considered when using the MPLAB® ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator with your target design. Refer to the following

Developer Help: Development Tools Design Advisory (most up-to-date)

PDF: Multi-Tool Design Advisory (DS51764)

MPLAB X IDE WebHelp/User’s Guide

This is an essential document to be used with any Microchip hardware tool.

This is an extensive help file for the MPLAB X IDE. It includes an overview of embedded systems, installation requirements, tutorials, details on creating new projects, setting build properties, debugging code, setting configuration bits, setting breakpoints, programming a device, etc. This help file is generally more up-to-date than the printable PDF of the user’s guide (DS50002027) available as a free download at www.microchip.com/mplabx/.

Release Notes for MPLAB® ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator

For the latest information on using MPLAB ICE 4, select Help>Release Notes on the MPLAB X IDE toolbar. The release notes contain update information and known issues that may not be included in this user’s guide.

MPLAB® ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator Quick Start Guide Poster (DS50003240)

This poster shows you how to connect the hardware and install the software for the MPLAB ICE 4 using a target board.