5 Emulator Features

In addition to basic debug features, the emulator has advanced debug features or the implementations of the debug features. Some debug features are dependent on other debug features.

To see if a specific debug feature is available for your device:

  • In MPLAB X IDE, on the Help menu select “Release Notes.”
  • In addition to Release Notes/Readmes, find Debug Features Support.
  • Click on the link for “Hardware Tool Debug Features by Device.”

The following table specifies which emulator features are supported on each connection type.

Table 5-1. Supported Emulator Features
FeatureMicrocontroller Family*
PIC10/12/16 (8-bit)PIC24, dsPIC (16-bit)PIC32 (32-bit)AVR (8-bit)SAM (32-bit)
Virtual COM PortXXXXX
Basic DebugXXXXX
Data Capture, Runtime WatchesXXX
PIC Instrumented TraceXX
PIC32M Instruction TraceX
PC SamplingX
PC ProfilingX
Debugger PollingXX
Power MonitoringXXXX
* Not all devices in a family have support. See features section for details.