PIC32M Debug Features

Basic Debug

Basic debug functions are available:

  • Run, Halt, Reset
  • Step Into, Step Over

Hardware Breakpoints

Hardware (HW) breakpoints are available and depend on the device used.

  • PIC32: 6

Software/Flash Breakpoints

Software (SW) or “Flash” breakpoints are available as described below:

  • Linux and Mac operating systems: Flash Breakpoints are not supported with the J-Link Base model.
  • Windows operating systems: After all HW breakpoints are used, a "Flash Breakpoints Notice" dialog will open. Proceed by clicking one of the buttons described in the table below.
Table 4-4. Flash Breakpoint Notice Dialog
YesUse unlimited Flash breakpoints on a trial basis
NoGo to a website to get a license that supports unlimited Flash breakpoints
Install existing licenseInstall an existing license that supported unlimited Flash breakpoints