View Processor Memory and Files

MPLAB X IDE provides several windows for viewing debug and various processor memory information. These are selectable from the Window menu. See MPLAB X IDE online help for assistance on using these windows.

  • Window>Target Memory Views – view the different types of device memory. Depending on the selected device, memory types include Program Memory, File Registers, Configuration Memory, etc.
  • Window>Debugging – view debug information. Select from variables, watches, call stack, breakpoints, stopwatch, and trace.

To view your source code, find the source-code file you wish to view in the Projects window and double click it to open it in a Files window. Code in this window is color-coded according to the processor and build tool selected. To change the style of color-coding, select Tools>Options>Fonts & Colors>Syntax.

For more on the Editor, see MPLAB X IDE online help, Editor section.