2 Connecting the Power Debugger

The many connection possibilities of the Power Debugger are laid out in a logical manner with the silkscreen serving as a functional reference for most connectors. A connection overview is given here:

USB ‘DEBUG’ Connector: Must be connected to the host computer for debugger power supply and all data transfer.

USB ‘TARGET’ Connectors: Can be optionally used to supply USB power to the target. Data lines are passed through to the corresponding ‘TARGET’ type A jack. For convenience when debugging USB powered applications, the output to the target USB connector can be easily connected to either ‘A’ or ‘B’ channels using a jumper, as indicated by the silkscreen drawing.

DGI 20-Pin Header Rows: Can be optionally connected to target data sources for data streaming to the computer.

AVR and SAM Debug Headers: To connect to the target device using either AVR 10-pin pinout (or via relevant adapter) or the 10-pin ARM Cortex debug pinout.

VOUT: Optionally provide power from the Power Debugger to the target in the range 1.6V to 5.5V. Up to 100 mA can be sourced. Voltage output is configured using the software front-end, and current is sourced from the DEBUG USB connector.

GND: To ensure safe and accurate operation of the Power Debugger, a shared ground is essential.

‘A’ and ‘B’ Channel Current Measurement Ports: Depicted with ammeter symbols on the silkscreen, these two measurement channels are to be connected in a high-side configuration. This means that the voltage supply is connected to the input of the ammeter, and the load (target) is connected to the output.

Info: The grouping of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ channel input and output signals with respect to their neighboring pins is purely for convenience. To route the configurable VOUT voltage source into channel ‘A’, a jumper can be used. This voltage can be routed to channel ‘B’ using a wire-strap. The same applies to the voltage provided by the TARGET USB connector.
Tip: For common power routing configurations, refer to the printed quick-start guide included in the kit and in the Getting Started section.