2.1 Connecting to AVR® and SAM Target Devices

The Power Debugger is equipped with two 50-mil 10-pin JTAG connectors. Both connectors are directly electrically connected, but conform to two different pinouts; the AVR JTAG header and the ARM Cortex Debug header. The connector should be selected based on the pinout of the target board, and not the target MCU type - for example, a SAM device mounted in an AVR STK600 stack should use the AVR header.

The Power Debugger kit contains all necessary cabling and adapters. An overview of connection options is shown.

Figure 2-1. Power Debugger Connection Options
The red wire marks pin 1 of the 10-pin 50-mil connector. Pin 1 of the 6-pin 100-mil connector is placed to the right of the keying when the connector is seen from the cable. Pin 1 of each connector on the adapter is marked with a white dot. The figure below shows the pinout of the debug cable. The connector marked A plugs into the debugger while the B side plugs into the target board.
Figure 2-2. Debug Cable Pinout