4 Electrical Specifications

Refer to the device-specific data sheet for the absolute maximum ratings.

Table 4-1. AC/DC Characteristic Timing Requirements for Program/Verify Mode
AC/DC Characteristics Standard Operating Conditions Production tested at +25°C
Sym. Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions/Comments
Programming Supply Voltages and Currents
VDD Supply Voltage (VDDMIN, VDDMAX) 1.8 5.5 V (Note 1)
VPEW Read/Write and Row Erase Operations VDDMIN VDDMAX V
VBE Bulk Erase Operations VBORMAX VDDMAX V (Note 2)
IDDI Current on VDD, Idle 1 mA
IDDP Current on VDD, Programming 10 mA
Current on MCLR/VPP 600 µA
VIHH High Voltage on MCLR/VPP for Program/Verify Mode Entry 7.9 9 V
TVHHR MCLR Rise Time (VIL to VIHH) for Program/Verify Mode Entry 1 µs
VIH I/O Pins
VOH ICSPDAT Output High Level VDD-0.7 V IOH = 3 mA, VDD = 3.0V
VOL ICSPDAT Output Low Level VSS + 0.6 V IOL = 6 mA, VDD = 3.0V
Programming Mode Entry and Exit
TENTS Programing Mode Entry Setup Time: ICSPCLK, ICSPDAT Setup Time before VDD or MCLR 100 ns
TENTH Programing Mode Entry Hold Time: ICSPCLK, ICSPDAT Hold Time before VDD or MCLR 250 μs
Serial Program/Verify
TCKL Clock Low Pulse Width 100 ns
TCKH Clock High Pulse Width 100 ns
TDS Data in Setup Time before Clock↓ 100 ns
TDH Data in Hold Time after Clock↓ 100 ns
TCO Clock↑ to Data Out Valid (during a Read Data from NVM command) 0 80 ns
TLZD Clock↓ to Data Low-Impedance (during a Read Data from NVM command) 0 80 ns
THZD Clock↓ to Data High-Impedance (during a Read Data from NVM command) 0 80 ns
TDLY Data Input not Driven to Next Clock Input (delay required between command/data or command/command) 1 µs
TERAB Bulk Erase Cycle Time 20 ms Program, Config and ID
TERAR Row Erase Cycle Time 9 ms
TPINT Internally Timed Programming Operation Time 7 ms Program Memory
12 ms Configuration Words
TPEXT Delay Required between Begin Externally Timed Programming and End Externally Timed Programming Commands 1 2.1 ms (Note 3)
TDIS Delay Required after End Externally Timed Programming Command 300 µs
TEXIT Time Delay when Exiting Program/Verify Mode 1 µs
  1. Bulk Erased devices default to Brown-out Reset enabled with BORV = 1 (low trip point). VDDMIN is the VBOR threshold (with BORV = 1) when performing Low-Voltage Programming on a Bulk Erased device to ensure that the device is not held in Brown-out Reset.
  2. The hardware requires VDD to be above the BOR threshold in order to perform Bulk Erase operations. This threshold does not depend on the BORV Configuration bit setting. Refer to the microcontroller device data sheet specifications for min./typ./max limits of the VBOR level.
  3. Externally timed writes are not supported for Configuration Words.