32.8.14 ATmega88PB Boot Loader Parameters

The following tables are the parameters used in the description of the self programming are given.

Table 32-6. Boot Size Configuration, ATmega88PB
BOOTSZ1BOOTSZ0Boot SizePagesApplication Flash SectionBoot Loader Flash SectionEnd Application SectionBoot Reset Address
(Start Boot Loader Section)
11128 words40x000 - 0xF7F0xF80 - 0xFFF0xF7F0xF80
10256 words80x000 - 0xEFF0xF00 - 0xFFF0xEFF0xF00
01512 words160x000 - 0xDFF0xE00 - 0xFFF0xDFF0xE00
001024 words320x000 - 0xBFF0xC00 - 0xFFF0xBFF0xC00
Note: The different BOOTSZ Fuse configurations are shown in Figure 32-2.
Table 32-7. Read-While-Write Limit, ATmega88PB
Read-While-Write section (RWW)960x000 - 0xBFF
No Read-While-Write section (NRWW)320xC00 - 0xFFF

For details about these two section, please refer to NRWW – No Read-While-Write Section and RWW – Read-While-Write Section.

Table 32-8. Explanation of Different Variables used in Figure 32-3
PCMSB11Most significant bit in the Program Counter. (The Program Counter is 12 bits PC[11:0])
PAGEMSB4Most significant bit which is used to address the words within one page (32 words in a page requires 5 bits PC [4:0]).
ZPCMSBZ12Bit in Z-register that is mapped to PCMSB. Because Z0 is not used, the ZPCMSB equals PCMSB + 1.
ZPAGEMSBZ5Bit in Z-register that is mapped to PAGEMSB. Because Z0 is not used, the ZPAGEMSB equals PAGEMSB + 1.
PCPAGEPC[11:5]Z12:Z6 Program counter page address: Page select, for page erase and page write
PCWORDPC[4:0]Z5:Z1Program counter word address: Word select, for filling temporary buffer (must be zero during page write operation)
Note: 1. Z15:Z13: always ignored

Z0: should be zero for all SPM commands, byte select for the LPM instruction.

Please refer to Addressing the Flash During Self-Programmingor details about the use of Z-pointer during Self- Programming.