30.6.1 debugWire Data Register

When addressing I/O Registers as data space using LD and ST instructions, the provided offset must be used. When using the I/O specific commands IN and OUT, the offset is reduced by 0x20, resulting in an I/O address offset within 0x00 - 0x3F.

Name: DWDR
Offset: 0x51
Reset: 0x00
Property: When addressing as I/O Register: address offset is 0x31

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – DWDR[7:0] debugWire Data

The DWDR Register provides a communication channel from the running program in the MCU to the debugger. This register is only accessible by the debugWIRE and can therefore not be used as a general purpose register in the normal operations.