8.2 XC8 Compiler and Toolchain Options: GUI Toolchain Options

This section illustrates the GUI options available for the XC8 compiler in Microchip Studio.

Figure 8-1. XC8 Toolchain Options

XC8 Common Options

Table 8-1. XC8 Common Options

General Options


Controls the optimization of the long form of call and jump instruction

Output File Options


Generate hex file


Generate eep file


Generate usersignatures file


Generate lss file

Miscellaneous Options

Other Common Flags (Form field)

Input other project-specific flags

XC8 C Compiler Options

Table 8-2. XC8 C Compiler Options

General Options


Use subroutines for function prologues and epilogues


Change stack pointer without disabling interrupts


The default char type is unsigned


The default bit field is unsigned


Do not search system directories



Symbol Options

One can define (-D) or undefine (-U) and several in-source symbols. New symbol declarations can be added, modified or reordered, using the interface buttons below:

  • Add a new symbol. This symbol and all the following icons are reused with the same meaning in other parts of the Microchip Studio interface.

  • Remove a symbol.

  • Edit a symbol.

  • Move the symbol up in the parsing order.

  • Move the symbol down in the parsing order.

Include Directories

Contains all the included header and definition directories, can be modified using the same interface as symbols.

Optimization Options

optimization level(drop-down menu): -O0,-O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, -Og

No optimization, increasing general optimization (levels 1 & 2), optimize for speed (3), optimize for size, optimize for better debugging experience


Prepare functions for garbage collection. If a function is never used, its memory will be scrapped.


Prepare data for garbage collection


Allocate only as many bytes needed by the enumerated types

Debug Options

Debug level (drop-down menu): none, g1, g2, g3

Specifies the level of tracing and debugging code and headers left or inserted in the source code

Warning Messages Output Options


Show all warnings


Generation of errors instead of warnings for dubious constructs


Warnings demanded by strict ANSI C. Rejects all programs that use forbidden extensions.


Inhibit all warnings

Miscellaneous Options

Other flags (Form field)

Input other project-specific flags



XC8 Linker Options

Table 8-3. XC8 Linker Options

General Options


Do not use default libraries


Generate MAP file

-Wl,-u, -vfprintf

Use vfprintf library

Libraries Options

Libraries -l (form field)

You can add, prioritize or edit library names here using these buttons: , , , ,

Library search path -L (form field)

You can add, prioritize or edit a path where the linker will search for dynamically linked libraries. It uses the same interface as above.

Optimization Options


Garbage collect unused sections

Miscellaneous Options

Other Linker Flags (Form field)

Input other project-specific flags

XC8 Assembler Options

Table 8-4. XC8 Assembler Options

Miscellaneous Option

Other Assembler Flags (Form field)

Input other project-specific flags

XC8 Archiver Options

Table 8-5. XC8 Archiver Options

General Options

Archiver Flags (Form field)

Input other project-specific flags