10.5.4 Main Clock Status

Offset: 0x03
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – EXTS External Clock Status

0 EXTCLK has not started
1 EXTCLK has started

Bit 6 – XOSC32KS XOSC32K Status

The Status bit will only be available if the source is requested as the main clock or by another module. If the oscillator RUNSTDBY bit is set, but the oscillator is unused/not requested, this bit will be ‘0’.
0 XOSC32K is not stable
1 XOSC32K is stable

Bit 5 – OSC32KS OSCULP32K Status

The Status bit will only be available if the source is requested as the main clock or by another module. If the oscillator RUNSTDBY bit is set, but the oscillator is unused/not requested, this bit will be ‘0’.
0 OSCULP32K is not stable
1 OSCULP32K is stable

Bit 4 – OSC20MS OSC20M Status

The Status bit will only be available if the source is requested as the main clock or by another module. If the oscillator RUNSTDBY bit is set, but the oscillator is unused/not requested, this bit will be ‘0’.
0 OSC20M is not stable
1 OSC20M is stable

Bit 0 – SOSC Main Clock Oscillator Changing

0 The clock source for CLK_MAIN is not undergoing a switch
1 The clock source for CLK_MAIN is undergoing a switch and will change as soon as the new source is stable