2.3 Evaluation GUI Setup and Programming

This section provides details on programming the ATSAMC21 microcontroller using Microchip Studio, enabling the programming of the ATA5831-XPRO extension board and the ATAB8510B-V2.0 remote sensor using the evaluation GUI. The steps are as follows:

  1. Connect the ATSAMC21-XPRO board to the PC using a Micro-B USB cable to power the board and to communicate with the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI tool.
    Note: The installation of the drivers is expected to take a few minutes as the Windows operating system automatically manages the required driver configuration for the hardware.
  2. Run Microchip Studio and access the programming dialog. Go to Tools > Device Programming.
    Figure 2-2. Run Microchip Studio
  3. To program the GUI firmware onto the ATSAMC21-XPRO board, the user must perform the following steps:
    1. Under the “Tool” drop-down list, select the Embedded Debugger (EDBG) from the ATSAMC21-XPRO. For example, in this case it is EDBG (ATML2419102700005434).
    2. The Microchip Studio software automatically detects and selects the appropriate device and interface required for programming (see Figure 2-4).
      • In this case, the “Device” is ATSAMC21J18A.
      • In this case, the “Interface” is SWD.
    3. Click Apply to establish a connection.
      Figure 2-3. Device Programming Window
    4. In the Memories section, select the firmware file stored during the installation process of the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI (Microchip\MCHP_ATA_UHF_Evaluation_GUI\SAMC21\MCHP_ATA_UHF_SAMC21.hex).
    5. Click Program to initiate the programming process.
      Figure 2-4. EDBG (ATML2419102700005434) – Device Programming
  4. For the ATA5831-XPRO extension board programming:
    1. Run the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI.exe, then select Industrial Segment.
      Figure 2-5. Industrial Segment
    2. The user must check the Event Register by clicking the Get Event Bytes button. SYS_RDY and NPWRON2 must be set, indicating that the system is ready for operation.
      Figure 2-6. Get Event Bytes
  5. In the ISP programming tab, load the precompiled object file: Base_Station_ATA5831_XPRO_EEPROM_434MHz.eep.
  6. Check “Verify EEPROM after programming” to ensure the accuracy of the EEPROM programming process.
  7. Click Program to initiate the programming.
    Note: The user must ensure that the fuses (0xDF) and Lock bits (0xFF) are set correctly.
    Figure 2-7. Loading of the Base_Station_ATA5831_XPRO_EEPROM_434MHz.eep File
  8. Close the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI tool and disconnect the ATA5831-XPRO extension board.
    Note: Upon restarting the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI tool, it automatically verifies the connected board through the In-System Programming (ISP) mode. If there is no board connected, the GUI displays the necessary connections.
  9. Upon reopening the ATAxxxx-UHF-Evaluation-GUI tool, the user must follow the connection recommendation for the ATAB8510B-V2.0 remote sensor.
    1. From the “Select a Device” drop-down list, select ATA8510 for proceeding with the ATAB8510B-V2.0 programming.
      Figure 2-8. ATA8510 Device Selection
    2. If a board is not connected, the system does not provide a device ID.
      Figure 2-9. Device Selection Window
  10. In the ISP programming tab, the user must perform the following steps for the ATAB8510B-V2.0 remote sensor programming:
    1. In the Flash section, click ..., then load the precompiled object file to Flash the Remote_Sensor_ATAB8510B_V2.0_Flash.hex file.
      1. Check “Erase Flash before programming” and “Verify Flash after programming”.
      2. Click Program to initiate the programming.
    2. In the EEPROM section, click ... to load the file for EEPROM: Remote_Sensor_ATAB8510B_V2.0_EEPROM_434MHz.eep.
      1. Check “Verify EEPROM after programming”.
      2. Click Program to initiate the programming.
    3. In the Fuse Byte section, check “EESAVE” and “BOOTRST”, write the configuration ensuring SPIEN is active and verify the correct setting of fuses (0xD3) and Lock bits (0xFF).
    Note: The user must maintain pressure on the button (by pressing SW1 or SW2) on the ATAB8510B-V2.0 remote sensor throughout the programming process to keep the ATAB8510B-V2.0 remote sensor active.
    Figure 2-10. ATAB8510B-V2.0 Remote Sensor – SW1 and SW2 Buttons
    Figure 2-11. Programming ATAB8510B-V2.0 Remote Sensor – Flash and EEPROM Configuration
  11. With the peripheral programmed, the user can proceed to write the required firmware to the ATSAMC21-XPRO board by following steps 3-7 with the firmware file available in the ATA8510-EK1 Tool Pack v4.0 of the demo, with the name Base_Station_SAMC21_Flash.hex.
  12. After successfully programming the RF devices with the required configuration and software, the user can set up the ATA8510-EK1 demo. To set up the ATA8510-EK1 demo, refer to the ATA8510-EK1 Evaluation Kit User Guide (DS50003551).