4.2.1 Touch SLCD1 Xplained Pro Extension Connector

Touch SLCD1 Xplained Pro implements one Xplained Pro segment LCD connector which makes it possible to connect the board to any Xplained Pro MCU board with segment LCD support.Touch SLCD1 Xplained Pro requires eight common terminals and segment terminals 0 through 23 to control all segments. The complete pin-mapping for the connector is described in the table below.

Table 4-2. Xplained Pro Segment LCD Connector
Common terminal 3COM312COM2Common terminal 2
Common terminal 1COM134COM0Common terminal 0
Segment 0SEG056SEG1Segment 1
Segment 2SEG278SEG3Segment 3
Segment 4SEG4910SEG5Segment 5
Segment 6SEG61112SEG7Segment 7
Segment 8SEG81314SEG9Segment 9
Segment 10SEG101516SEG11Segment 11
Segment 12SEG121718SEG13Segment 13
Segment 14SEG141920SEG15Segment 15
Segment 16SEG162122SEG17Segment 17
Segment 18SEG182324SEG19Segment 19
Segment 20SEG202526SEG21Segment 21
Segment 22SEG222728SEG23Segment 23
QTouch X-line 2QT_X23738NC
QTouch X-line 1QT_X13940QT_Y1QTouch Y-line 1
QTouch X-line 0QT_X04142QT_Y0QTouch Y-line 0
Common terminal 4COM44344COM5Common terminal 5
Common terminal 6COM64546COM7Common terminal 6
NC4950IDXplained Pro ID