Way Enable and the L2 LIM

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Similar to ITIM, L2 cache can be configured as LIM, or as a cache which is controlled by the L2 cache controller to contain a copy of any cacheable address.

When cache ways are disabled, they are addressable in the L2-LIM address space in MSS Memory Map. Fetching instructions or data from the L2-LIM provides deterministic behavior equivalent to an L2 cache hit, with no possibility of a cache miss. Accesses to L2-LIM are always given priority over cache way accesses which target the same L2 cache bank.

After reset, all ways are disabled, except way0. Cache ways can be enabled by writing to the WayEnable register described in Way Enable Register (WayEnable). Once a cache way is enabled, it cannot be disabled unless the Core Complex is reset. The highest numbered L2 cache way is mapped to the lowest L2-LIM address space, and way 1 occupies the highest L2-LIM address range. When L2 cache ways are enabled, the size of the L2-LIM address space shrinks. The mapping of L2 cache ways to L2-LIM address space is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Mapping of L2 Cache Ways to L2-LIM Addresses