2.3.2 Pulse-Width Detector

The timer can be configured to detect a minimum pulse width when combined with a D Flip Flop in a CLC peripheral as per the settings shown in Table 2-8. The output of the timer is connected to the clock input of the D flip flop. Set and Clear of the D flip flop are tied low. The D input of the flip flop is connected to the same ERS input signal. This setup is shown in Figure 2-11.

Table 2-8. Timer Configuration
Timer SettingValue
STARTRising ERS Edge
CSYNC (Clock Sync)Sync
EPOL (ERS Polarity)

True Level (to test for high pulse width)

Inverted Level (to test for low pulse width)

OSEN (One-shot)

Enabled (for one-shot)

Disabled (for auto-repeat)

PR (Period Register)Desired minimum pulse width

When the input rises (from 0 to 1), the counter will begin to count. When PR match occurs, PRIF is set and an output pulse will occur. This is shown in Figure 2-10. This output pulse triggers the clock input of the D Flip Flop in the CLC peripheral to latch the state of D-input. If the pulse width is longer than the PR match period, the D flip flop will latch a high output. If the pulse width is shorter than the PR match period, the D flip flop will latch a low output.

The OSEN bit can be set to make it a one-shot operation, and cleared for auto-repeat operation. If testing for low pulse-width time, set EPOL = 1 and invert the output of the CLC.
Figure 2-10. Pulse-Width Detector
Figure 2-11. UTMR and CLC Connection